In this final week of Fab Academy, the goal is to develop a plan for dissemination of my final project,
prepare drafts of your summary slide and video clip and put them in your root directory.
Hospital is injecting saline or Intravenous (IV) fluids in to the vein of patient. If the drip system is not monitored on time, it will causes problems like backflow of fluid, blood loss etc. In order to reduce the workload and overcome such critical situation in the area of an intravenous drip monitoring system, we proposed a system called Automated Intravenous Drip Monitoring System. Collapse Inefficient monitoring of IV drop leads to complications such as under Infusion, blood backflow, over infusion, air embolism Normally, doctors and nurses use their experience to estimate the time required for a drip bottle to be empty and for setting drip rate. This makes the IV infusion method to be vulnerable to human error and there are also other risks like back flow of the blood and many other if not attended when empty. IoT (Internet of Things) based monitoring and control platform for IV infusion setup which enables doctors and nurses to monitor as well as control the IV infusion setup wirelessly while keeping the cost low and making the device highly reliable
Project Planning
No |
Task |
Start Date |
End date |
1 |
Input device |
June 25 |
June 29 |
2 |
Output devices |
July 1 |
July 3 |
3 |
Programing for IOT |
July 4 |
July 7 |
4 |
IOT testing and interfacing |
July 8 |
July 9 |
5 |
3D designing |
July 10 |
July 12 |
4 |
3D printing |
July 12 |
July 13 |
5 |
PCB Designing |
July 13 |
July 17 |
6 |
PCB milling |
July 17 |
July 18 |
7 |
PCB Soldering |
July 18 |
July 19 |
8 |
PCB testing |
July 19 |
July 22 |
9 |
Assembling |
July 22 |
July 23 |
10 |
Programming |
July 23 |
July26 |
11 |
Testing |
July 26 |
July 28 |
12 |
Video editing |
July 28 |
July 28 |
13 |
Designing Final slide |
July 28 |
July 29 |
14 |
Remote instructor review |
July 29 |
July 30 |
15 |
Upload to Git |
July 30 |
July 30 |
16 |
Final Presentation |
Aug 2 |
I and my family get infected with Covid 19 in last week of May.By the God grace me and my family were recovered from covid but it was too much weak and pain to site and walk after recover .So i was get worried about that my fab instructor Mr sibu support morally for this fab academy. Due to lock down and my almost all staff of my office were infected so it was also shutdown for two week. At last In month of July i planed and worked hard to complete my final project
Here is the work for project development that I had done so far:
1.Principles and Practices
In this week I had proposed my initial idea to build IoT BASED IV DRIP MONITORING
The project idea defined helped me to provide a direction to plan and complete the project.
Did it work: Yes
I defined my project idea which was useful for me
The units/segments for the system.
It is used for detection of drip flow through the drip chamber.
It used for programming and Wi-Fi transmission of data to web .
It is used for the display the drip factor, drip count, weight of the IV bottle in real time
It is used for the controlling /stop the drip flow.
It is used for measuring the initial weight of the IV bag. Also use for measuring the real-time weight
Web and mobile application
Remotely monitoring of IV bottle status.
7. Power supply
charging module and Battery
2.3D designing
In 3D designing i learnt which help me for my project 3D designing I did designing of Encloser for Board and circuit,DRIP chamber holder,actuator for servo motor holder,
After designing all the part here is the Final 3D Print
Did it work: Yes
I was using solid works tool for designing all parts
3.PCB designing
In PCB designing i has design PCB with taking reference in the WEEK-6-Electronic Design. i am using foot print of Nodemcu,Loadcell ADC and other component.
Did it work: Yes
I was using eagle tool for designing all parts
In the WEEK-10-Input Devices I had prepared and tested for my project
week-10 input devicesDid it work: Yes
i was using Phototransiter as input
In the WEEK-12-Output Devices i had been tested and did out for my project
WEEK-12-Output Devices.htmlDid it work: Yes
i was using OLED,Loadcell,LED,Buzzer as output
In this week I had proposed my initial idea to build IoT BASED IV DRIP MONITORING
#include<ESP8266WiFi.h> #include<WiFiClient.h> #include<ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Servo.h> #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial #include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h> #include "SH1106.h" #include "HX711.h" #define DOUT D5 #define CLK D6 HX711 scale(DOUT, CLK); int time1=0; float weight=0.0; float calibration_factor = 419640; //dripsensor int a = 0; int count=0; int laserpin = D4; int drip=0; //oled #define OLED_RESET -1 SH1106 display(0x3c, D2, D1); //servo Servo servo_1; // Giving name to servo. //website-wifi String page = ""; const char* ssid="wifi ssid"; const char* password = "wifi password"; ESP8266WebServer server(80); // Variable to store the HTTP request int ml=0; int count2=0; int l_value=0; int c_value=0; int c_state=0; int l_state=0; //char auth[ ] = " blynk credential"; // Your WiFi credentials. // Set password to "" for open networks. void setup() { ESP.wdtEnable(65535); Blynk.begin(auth, ssid1, pass1); pinMode (laserpin,OUTPUT); pinMode(A0,INPUT); Serial.begin(115200); digitalWrite(laserpin,HIGH); //scale.set_scale(); //scale.tare(); //BUZZER & LED pinMode (D7,OUTPUT); pinMode (D8,OUTPUT); digitalWrite (D7,LOW); digitalWrite (D8,LOW); //Servo servo_1.attach(D3); // Attaching Servo to D3 servo_1.write (120); // Servo will move to 45 degree angle. //OLED display.init(); display.flipScreenVertically(); //WIFI Serial.println("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); display.println("WiFi connecting... "); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected..!"); Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); server.on("/", []() { page = "<html><head><title>IOT based IV Dripmonitoring </title>"; page += "</head><style type=\"text/css\">table {border-collapse: collapse;"; page += "}table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;font-size: larger;"; page += "text-align:center;}</style><body><center><h1>FABLAB,STPI-Bhubaneswar"; page += "Design</h1><h3>IOT BASED IV Drip MONITORING</h3><br>"; //page += "<h5>Name Of Patient:-</h5><br>"; //page += "<h5>Hospital bed no:-101</h5><br>"; page += "</h1><h3>DRIP FACTOR = 20</h3><br>"; page += "<table style=\"width: 600px;height: 250px;\"><tr><th>IV DRIP</th"; page += "><th> DRIP COUNT</th></tr><tr><td>TOTAL</td><td>" + String(drip) + "</td></tr><tr>"; page += "<table style=\"width: 600px;height: 250px;\"><tr><th> volume</th"; page += "><th>IV Amount</th></tr><tr><td>ml</td><td>" + String(ml) + "</td></tr><tr>"; page += "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\">"; server.send(200, "text/html", page); }); server.begin(); Serial.println("HTTP server started"); weight_sense(); ml=weight*1000; Serial.print(ml); } void loop() { int x ; x=analogRead(A0); if (x>=75 && a==0) { a=1; } else if (x<75 && a==1) { a=0; drip++; } count2=drip/20; c_state=count2; if(l_state!=c_state) { ml=ml-count2; } l_state=c_state; count2=0; Serial.println(x); display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10); display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display.drawString(0,10, "IOT BASED DRIPMONITOR"); display.drawString(0,20, "Dripfactor = 20"); display.drawString(0,30, "Dripcount:"+String(drip)); display.drawString(0,40, "MilliLitre:"+String(ml)); display.display(); Blynk.virtualWrite(V1,drip); Blynk.virtualWrite(V2,ml); if (ml<=50) { servo_1.write (80); // Servo will move to 45 degree angle. digitalWrite (D7,HIGH); digitalWrite (D8,HIGH); } server.handleClient(); delay(1); display.clear();; } float weight_sense() { scale.set_scale(calibration_factor); weight = scale.get_units(); weight=abs(weight); return weight; }
In the WEEK-14-Interface and Application Programming i did bylnk and web interfacing for my project
WEEK-14-Interface and Application Programming